Saturday, November 16, 2013

Cool Places and Buildings

For a long time, I was (and still am to a lesser degree) an architect in my day job. As a result, I have a large collection of pictures of places and buildings that speak to me on some level. Because I'm a generous type of guy, I'll be sharing them with you occasionally. Here's one now. If you're familiar with this site or it's history, send me the details and I'll include them. The Scotch/Irish part of my heritage loves not only buildings like this but the hills and grey clouds too. That's my idea of a perfect vacation.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Great Comics From My Past

This was one of the first comics I actually bought for myself (as opposed to someone, usually my very cool uncle, giving it to me.) It's still one of my favorites with great Neal Adams art.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

More Giant Robots

At least I think they're robots - I guess they could just be giant aliens. Unfortunately I'm not sure who did this very cool painting/drawing. If you know, let me know and I'll give them the credit they deserve. And maybe they can tell me if they're robots, aliens, or - better yet - alien robots.

Color Me Strange

Here's a slightly re-worked version of the ad art for the much-anticipated, sadly-never-to-appear Stern/Miller Dr. Strange series.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Giant Robot Time!

As you can tell from the quote and picture over there to the right, I agree with Mr. Tesla that giant robots are indeed a very good thing. Consequently, I'll be featuring them here pretty regularly.  Today's is one of my favorites, courtesy of Dan Burgess.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Green Wake

My oldest daughter is terrified of frogs so she absolutely hates this picture. I love it.

Image by Riley Rossmo (I believe), colors by me.

Saturday, March 09, 2013

Kill The Wabbit!

I am a HUGE Bugs Bunny fan from waaaaaaay back.

Image by Tom Whalen

Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Sunday, March 03, 2013

Mister Miracle #26

In the mid-70s, there was a short lived revival of Mister Miracle that I really enjoyed. Unfortunately it only ran 7 issues. Recently I came across some Michael Golden artwork that was supposedly going to be the cover for the next issue, #26. Alas it was never published but I had some fun imagining what it might have looked like...

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Recent Readings

I've realized over the last couple years that the only things I'm reading and enjoying from either Marvel or DC are limited series that usually fly under the radar, get little to no marketing push, and are generally ignored by most of the comic book population. So to do my part, I'm going to occasionally feature some of the ones that I think are exceptionally good.

But first, an image from one that I probably would have enjoyed if it had ever actually been published. Unfortunately Marvel decided not to pursue it, probably because they needed yet another Avengers or X-Men book on the racks. Maybe it would have made it if they had called it "Some Avengers and X-Men DESTROY Some Other Avengers and X-Men" Oh well...

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Let's Go To The Movies

I'm not a big YouTube guy but once in a while I'll see something that I think is worthwhile. This definitely falls into that category. Enjoy!

Color My World

One of my hobbies is coloring black and white comic book art. Occasionally I'll be posting some examples here just for the fun of it (and to falsely inflate my massive ego.)  As I've been reading comics for about a 100 years, I tend to be fairly "old school" in my approach to coloring.  Not only is it what I grew up with, I also think it just looks better. So if you're a fan of flashy computerized coloring tricks or an over-rendered painterly look, I'm probably not your cup of tea - just look the other way and move briskly along. If you feel the need to critique, keep in mind that I mostly do this for fun and probably don't really care what you think. Unless of course you have the power to offer me a coloring job that pays. Then you have my full attention. First up, a nice Elektra piece by one of my favorite artists, Art Adams.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Imaginary Comics That I Would Buy In A Heartbeat

Occasionally, in my random wanderings around the internet, I come across covers for imaginary comics.  Some look good, some bad, but I always admire the artist's commitment to something that doesn't (and probably never will) exist.  Every once in a while, I come away thinking, "Wow - I would pay real money for that..."  This is one of those - probably #1 in that category at this point.  I love the concept and I love the art, especially all the "parts" from other superheroes.  I count eight - Green Lantern, Superman, Wonder Woman, Hawkman, Dr. Fate, Atom, Flash and of course Luthor. Am I missing any? Let's admit it, this would be better than 95% of what DC is publishing right now. If anyone knows the name of the artist who did this, please let me know so I can give them the credit they deserve.